Uniform / PE Kit – it is expected that all children come to school in uniform as part of our school community
Uniform – whole school
- Red polo shirt, with or without the school logo
- Navy blue jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan, again, with or without the school logo
- Dark grey/black trousers, skirt or shorts
- Red/white or Blue/white checked dresses (Summer term)
- Sensible shoes – children climb steps indoors and out, and on outdoor equipment (wellies are also useful)
PE Kit – whole school
Children are taught about health and hygiene, including the importance of exercise.
The whole school have PE on a Thursday and children should come to school in their PE kit/forest schools kit for the day. Children should also always have a pair of wellies in school. Any KS2 classes going swimming will be told in advance.
It is expected that ALL children will wear a PE kit comprising:
- gym shoes/trainers
- plain, dark shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings
- white t-shirt (with or without the logo)
Children will do PE indoors and outdoors so appropriate clothing is required every week
Uniform items and T-shirts (with the school logo) can be bought, relatively cheaply at Little Gems, Washington or Sunderland, from their online shop at www.theschooloutfit.co.uk; or from www.myclothing.com. All plain uniform items can be bought in supermarkets, with t-shirts often as little as £2.
Please ensure that all items of uniform and kit are named to reduce the amount in the lost property pile. If an item is lost we do our best to find it but unfortunately, we do not always succeed!
For safety and practical reasons, the wearing of jewellery, is not allowed. Children who wear jewellery do so at their own risk and children wearing jewellery, including earrings will be asked to remove them. The wearing of any jewellery, including earrings will not be allowed during PE lessons or other sporting activities, including playing with equipment at playtimes, or playing on the tyre-park or trim trail. Please support us in this request and encourage your child to wear all jewellery at home only. Hair long enough to be tied up should be.
Pre-loved Uniform & School Clothes
We hold a supply of school items which are of very good quality, and some items are almost brand new. Mrs Medcalf will be able to help you if you require specific sizes and all items are available at no cost.
We hope to promote an eco-friendly culture of donating / contributing and reusing good quality pre-loved uniform which children have quickly grown out of. We may request that items are sent into school during the year to help replenish stocks.
To read our full Uniform Policy, click here.