Mrs Medcalf, in our School Office, will be happy to help you.
Our School Day
School starts at 8.55am and ends at 3.30pm (Mon-Thu) and 3.05pm (Fri)
Breakfast club and after-school care are running as normal, however, bookings should be made through the school office.
Children should not arrive at School before 8.40am, unless they are attending the Breakfast Club which begins at 8.00am. On a morning the pupil entrance door is opened at 8.40am and children come into school, sort out their coats and bags and go straight into their classrooms. All children, even the youngest, are encouraged to do this independently. Any children arriving late should be brought to the main reception entrance and be signed in by an adult.
- Morning break is at 10.30 until 10.45am. Free fruit is available as part of the Government’s Healthy Eating plan for KS1.
- Lunch is 12.00 – 1.00pm
- Afternoon break is 2.20 – 2.30pm
Parental Consent for non-prescribed medication
Parent consent for emergency meds
👚👖 Pre-loved Uniform & School Clothes 🥼👞
Our pre-loved uniform and school clothes swap boxes contain good quality stock and some items are almost brand new.
Please ask about our stocks of uniform / school items, including coats and shoes.
We hope to promote an eco-friendly culture of donating / contributing and reusing good quality pre-loved (preferably uniform) clothes which children have quickly grown out of. Items can be sent into school during the year to help replenish stocks.
All items are available at no cost.
Menus – from Chartwells
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