Pupil Voice

School Council

We have a newly elected School Council in place for this year:

  • Y1: Harriet & Isaac
  • Y2: Maisie A & Elsie
  • Y3: Brody & Georgia
  • Y4: Scarlett & Rosa S
  • Y5: Amelia C & Evie
  • Y6: Archie & Isla M

The group meets with Mrs Johnson and is currently working on ideas around ‘classrooms/lessons’, ‘outdoor play’, ‘community’, and ‘exciting/special events’.


Hesleden Houses

Each house is made from children from Reception to Year 6. They spend time supporting each other through tasks and activities.

House points are collected and counted throughout the year, mini rewards are given for the most.

We have just elected House Captiains who will lead their Houses responsibly and as good role models.

  • Kestrels- Rosa D; Sam
  • Falcons- Ava G; Lillie-Mae
  • Eagles- Isla M; Daisy
  • Hawks- Lily M; Jay


Peer Mentors

We have a dedicated group of KS2 children who act as Peer Mentors. They support playtimes and encourage children to join in, or chat if that is what is needed. In the summer term, Peer Mentors organise an after-school club. Throughout the year, they take part in Reference group activities with the Piece of Mind Team.

  • Year 4 – Freddie, James, Olly, Lucas, Charlotte, Amelia F
  • Year 5 – Ava, Evie, Amelia C, Anya, Eve, Alice
  • Year 6 – Isla, Daisy, Rosa