Welcome to Hazel Dene Childcare
Hazel Dene Childcare Ltd. is a not-for-profit company set up by teachers and governors (as Directors) of the school to provide wrap-around childcare for children aged between 2 and 11 years old.
- Breakfast Club: 7.45-8.45am
- Wrap-Around Sessions: call for availability
- 2 year old Nursery sessions: call for advice on application
- 30 hours Nursery provision, call for advice or availability
- After School Club 3-5pm
Click here for a link to Registration information or click on the item below to view our latest Ofsted Inspection Report
How To Contact Us
Hazel Dene is managed by Clare Garside who can be contacted at school, on 07500894425 or email Hazel Dene Care.