We continuously ensure the provision has a positive impact on the outcomes for all of our children/young people. We do this in a variety of ways, including:
- Robust evaluation of policy and practice. Progress of all children is discussed at least half-termly, and often more frequently for identified children. Teachers and Support staff share planning and resources to ensure a continuous provision of high quality teaching and support.
- Book scrutinies are held half-termly to ensure provision of teaching and learning is of a hiqh quality, that children’s work shows progress and that standards are maintained or improving. Evidence for children with SEN is monitored closely.
- The HT (as SENCO) and a TA (as link SEN Governor) take part in all monitoring arrangements to ensure that the same high priority is given to those children who require additional support.
- All staff who provide targeted intervention, booster sessions or individualised learning, ensure that the work is of a high standard and that records to demonstrate progress are maintained. All evidence of work and progress is shared to ensure that appropriate review and planning of Support Plans is accurate.