At Hesleden Primary School, we have a reputation for providing excellent care, guidance and support in an environment where the staff know all of the children, and the children learn, work and have fun together.
Our classes are mostly mixed age so children are already used to working with older/younger children during their time with us. We also use a ‘House’ system where children from Reception to Year 6 are mixed, taking part in challenges, sporting events, fundraising and down-time together. We also have a comprehensive Pupil Voice structure where children elect to, or are elected to, a number of active groups in the school: School Council (incorporating Rights Respecting), Healthy Lifestyles, Sports Ambassadors, Eco-Schools and Science Ambassadors. Each of these takes children’s views seriously, and result in many projects, and opportunities, arising across the school year.
Much of our work is developed around children’s Rights, and we have a school Charter which ensures both children, and adults (staff and parents) have a role to play in developing social skills. We have an HLTA dedicated to PSHE provision, building on the good work already taking place in classes. She also takes a pastoral lead and manages the ‘post box’, for children to share confidential concerns. Both of our HLTAs are trained ‘Listeners’ through the Connecting with Children (previously Listening Matters) program and they are both trained Mental Health First Aiders.
Story Links, a 1:1 program and Therapeutic Stories, for groups, are also used to support vulnerable children in their social and emotional development. For children with anxiety related issues, we offer ‘HeartMath’ sessions, to help them develop calming and breathing techniques.